BILH Guidance on Masking, Physical Distancing, and Permitted Personnel

Effective May 13, 2022

BILH continues to refine its policies related to COVID-19 to best support our staff, patients, and our commitment to providing high-quality care at all times. Effective today, Friday, May 13, BILH has updated its return-to-work policy for staff who are out of work due to a COVID-19 infection. Staff can now return to work after seven full days (return to work day 8), without the need for a negative home antigen test, if they meet the following criteria:

If symptomatic:

  • At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications
  • All other symptoms have improved or returned to pre-COVID-19 baseline
  • Feel well enough to work

If asymptomatic:

  • At least seven days have passed since the date of the first positive COVID-19 test (Day 0)

While at work:

  • Wear a mask at all times while in the facility, including break rooms, unless eating or replaced by a respirator until 10 days have passed since positive test
  • When eating, must sit at least 6 feet from other staff and consider staggering breaks as much as possible to avoid exposure to others

Further information and detail about the policy is available on your local intranet. Please direct any questions to your local Employee Health team. Thank you.