- Healthcare Worker Return to work guidance
- PPE and office cleaning guidance
- https://www.cdc.gov/
coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ caring-for-patients.html “How You Can Protect Yourself” section - https://www.cdc.gov/
coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ caring-for-patients.html “Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection” section - https://www.bilh.org/covid19-
information-assets “Personal Protective Equipment” section - https://www.cdc.gov/
coronavirus/2019-ncov/ infection-control/control- recommendations.html# infection_control “Implement Environmental Infection Control” - Sample template for tracking COVID-19 Expenses and Time (Attached) – The form is a suggestion of a way to track time. If there is future state or federal funding available it can be used as way to show some of the resources required. Feel free to modify and keep for your own files. We are interpreting this as meeting with physicians or management to develop new policies and plans and respond to the COVID-19. (Eg. tracking the time developing patient communications, rescheduling appointments, staff meetings, telehealth education and implementation, etc.)
Employment Issues
- NECoMG’s Law Firm
Sally Kaplan Levy, Esq.
Anker & Levy, P.C. 155 Federal Street | Suite 703 | Boston | Massachusetts 02110
direct 617.247.3107 | main 617.247.3100 | fax 617.247.3102 | cell 617.549.5236
email slevy@anknerlevy.com |http://www.anknerlevy.com/Additional law firms
- Elise Busny or Margaret Pinkham, Pinkham Busny
- Lindsay Burke, Kenney & Sams
- Tracey Spruce, Spruce Law
Employees may find the above site helpful related to changes in their work status and other employee concerns.
- Small business information
- https://www.sba.gov/page/
coronavirus-covid-19-small- business-guidance-loan- resources - http://sbdc.salemstate.edu/
- https://www.sba.gov/business-
guide/manage-your-business/ hire-manage-employees - The Baker-Polito Administration Announces $10 Million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund– Some key points about this loan:
- loan amounts up to $75,000
- applicable for businesses with < 50 full-time and part-time employees
- application needs to include 2018 tax returns, 2019 internal financials and to date 2020 financials
- no interest or payments until 6 months. 3% interest begins 7 months
- Health Management Associates, Inc – practice management services to help them maximize their financial potential
- IRS issues warning about Coronavirus-related scams; watch out for schemes tied to economic impact payments
The Betsy Lehman Center, the Massachusetts Medical Society and the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine have compiled a resource for outpatient practices. The document is composed of three sections: (1) Preparing for Modified Office Practice (2) Managing Urgent On-site Patient Visits (3) Supporting the Emotional Needs of Patients, Clinicians, and Staff.
CMS Announces New Repayment Terms for Medicare Loans Made to Providers During COVID-19
MAPCAP addressing financial challenges of independent primary care practices
The Massachusetts Medical Society published an updated Financial Resources Guide for Practices to reflect the recent changes to the Paycheck Protection Program, the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund and the Accelerated and Advance Payment Program.
Key sections include:
Paycheck Protection Program – page 3
April 24 – approved new legislation for the Paycheck Protection Program funding
Provider Relief Fund – page 9
April 24 – in addition to the $30 billion paid on April 10th, another $20 billion will be allocated so that the total $50 billion distribution represents a provider’s share of net patient revenue in 2018
Advanced Payment (AAP) Program – page 11
April 26 – CMS announced that it would suspend its Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program for Part B suppliers effective immediately and reevaluate the amounts that will be paid under the program
Please see the document for more details on the above programs as well as other funding sources and financial relief programs.
Below are additional links with some of the same information in a different format:
Phase 3 General Distribution