NEPHO Data Analytics Team

Using Data to Drive Performance

The Data Analytics team provides high quality data and analytics that support Northeast PHO (NEPHO) pay-for-performance and risk contracting initiatives.  The Arcadia software tool is used to provide actionable analyses.

In an effort to identify care management and cost improvement opportunities, the team is responsible for:

  • Ensuring data accuracy and completeness
  • Analyzing and interpreting cost utilization information
  • Performing drill-down analyses into data details
  • Identifying key drivers, trends and underlying issues to highlight areas of concern and opportunities for savings as well as increasing utilization and revenue within NEPHO.
  • Participating in the development and ongoing enhancement of utilization and quality reporting.

In addition to managing fee schedules and reporting on utilization and referral trends, the team produces the following standard reports:

  • Attendance Reports
  • PCP Report Cards and Performance Dashboards
Contact us for data questions:

Stacey Keough
Executive Director


Nick Catino
Healthcare Analyst
