Dear colleagues,
To aid in navigating these unprecedented circumstances in real time we held 4 conference calls over the past two weeks with private PCP and private Specialist practices to discuss many clinical and practice management topics. We heard the many challenges you all are facing as you care for your patients and run your practice. We hope you found these meetings helpful and provided you with some solutions and support. We do plan on hosting additional calls in a similar manner, though we will be expanding to all of our PCPs and all of our Specialists given the feedback we have received. Please see below and attached in response to the recent discussions.
Thank you,
Upcoming PCP Conference calls:
- Monday March 23, 2020 at 12PM
- Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 7AM
- Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 5PM
Upcoming Specialists Conference calls:
- Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 7AM
- Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 12PM and 5PM
BILH COVID19 Materials
- TeleHealth Tool kit
- Attached Telehealth Billing and Coding document
- Mass BORIM new-patient telemedicine::
board-of-registration-in- medicine-approves-interim- policy-on-telemedicine - Medicare telemedicine fact sheet::
fact-sheets/medicare- telemedicine-health-care- provider-fact-sheet
COVID-19 Billing and Coding
- Attached COVID-19 Billing and Coding document
Practice Management
- Healthcare Worker Return to work guidance –
coronavirus/2019-ncov/ healthcare-facilities/hcp- return-work.html -
guidance-for-health-care- personnel-with-potential- exposure-to-patients-with- covid-19/download
PPE and office cleaning guidance
coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ caring-for-patients.html “How You Can Protect Yourself” section -
coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ caring-for-patients.html “Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection” section -
information-assets “Personal Protective Equipment” section -
coronavirus/2019-ncov/ infection-control/control- recommendations.html# infection_control “Implement Environmental Infection Control”
Sample template for tracking COVID-19 Expenses and Time (Attached) – The form is a suggestion of a way to track time. If there is future state or federal funding available it can be used as way to show some of the resources required. Feel free to modify and keep for your own files. We are interpreting this as meeting with physicians or management to develop new policies and plans and respond to the COVID-19. (Eg. tracking the time developing patient communications, rescheduling appointments, staff meetings, telehealth education and implementation, etc.)
Employment Issues
- Employer and Employee resource specific to COVID-19 Unemployment-
information-on-unemployment- and-coronavirus-covid-19 - Employer resource for unemployment:
details/control-unemployment- insurance-costs - Employer resource for unemployment:
details/learn-about-employer- contributions-to-dua - Employees can be directed to:
apply-for-unemployment- benefits - Employee resource for guidance – As physicians affiliated with Beverly and Addison Gilbert Hospitals, you and your employees can access the system’s Employee Assistance Program.
Employee Assistance Program
Call: 844.266.0704
TDD: 800.697.0353
Employees may find the above site helpful related to changes in their work status and other employee concerns.
Small business information
coronavirus-covid-19-small- business-guidance-loan- resources -
guide/manage-your-business/ hire-manage-employees
The Baker-Polito Administration Announces $10 Million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund–
Some key points about this loan:
- loan amounts up to $75,000
- applicable for businesses with < 50 full-time and part-time employees
- application needs to include 2018 tax returns, 2019 internal financials and to date 2020 financials
- no interest or payments until 6 months. 3% interest begins 7 months
Useful Links
- COVID-19 guidance from the Massachusetts Medical Society
Patient-Care/COVID-19/COVID- 19/#.XnPwE3JKhaQ - COVID-19 Communication Resources from Massachusetts Hospital Association
cfzyh5whcnxonje/ AADGk4tB07LWUQmI76eW8hmja?dl=0 - Direction for health care worker testing for non-employed providers
- Direction for health care worker testing for patients of non-employed providers
- Cash flow matters
- Confirmation regarding whether or not nursing calls are reimbursable at this time
- Identifying local employment lawyers and resources
REMINDER: Please reach out to Alycia Messelaar, to keep NEPHO informed of changes in practice schedules (office closures, limited office hours, scope of appointment, telehealth use, phone line to reach staff, etc.) or if you have questions about other practice schedules.